Play Piano Like a PRO!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Playing the Piano - "Pitfalls" to Avoid When Studying Piano for the First Time!

Too often, deceitful online merchants that offer 15+ "bundled" DVDs, guaranteeing the success of the piano aspirant, mesmerize adults seeking online piano instruction, through their storefront image.
The problem with purchasing "zillions" of DVDs is that the adult student spends more time operating their DVD player as opposed to using that energy in the application of scales, arpeggios and harmonic studies.  If learning the piano was as easy as watching a DVD, everybody would play the piano well!
Now understand, video references are helpful, BUT you don't need a video for each and every concept when clear and concise written instruction will suffice.  This is why I "pepper" my eBooks (electronic book) with short video clips, for additional clarification.
95% of ALL Play Piano Review Sites Are a JOKE! 
They're jokes because they are not owned by professional music educators or performers.  Super Affiliates promote all types of sites: "How to Train Your Dog... How to Play Golf... How to Play Guitar..." just to name a few.
These so-called SMART GUYS are professional marketers.  They have "big pockets," as such, they spend thousands of dollars daily in Pay for Click Advertisements (PPC), hoping that someone will click on their consumer product ad!  These are called "sponsored ads."  Perhaps these ads are surrounding this article now!
So please be intelligent in your research.  As my father use to tell me: "Believe none of what you read, and half of what you see!"  BUT, you can trust what you're reading here!  
I've been providing online piano instruction for well over 6 years, and I've seen online piano programs "come and go!"  So be careful.  BEWARE of the "Smart Guy" reviews.  They're SMART business people that know how to sell product, but they don't have the expertise in music eductation to guide your study of piano credibly and effectively.  C'mon, do you honestly think spending $200 for 15 DVDs, that you will learn how to play piano?  Heck, I "give away" practical piano methods for FREE through a number of Video Directories!
Lastly, the most important pitfall to avoid is the selection of your piano teacher or online piano instruction program.
Read this very carefully... All adults (18+ years old) MUST be taught differently than a grade school-aged student.  The teaching methods are unique.  Only an instructor that has the history of studying piano as a child, up to their adulthood, understands this fact.
Can you imagine trying to learn to ride a bike at 18 years of age... trying to find the "sense of balance;" not to mention other inhibitions and fears associate to adulthood?
Now imagine trying to rid yourself of those impediments along with inferior piano instruction.  Your success at playing the piano and creating the music you desire is FUTILE.  You'll be frustrated and give up.  IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!  You assumed the instructor would provide the needed learning tools and strategies to achieve your playing goals.
Remember, everybody that teaches piano, can't play with feel - that's right!  "They don't have rhythm!"  Their sound is too VANILLA!
Don't believe me... just visit:
Now Here's the Good News!
Here's the truth... the study of piano is about RHYTHM!  Just because someone is "degreed" in music, doesn't necessarily mean they can keep a beat!
My students have achieved success worldwide.  So it can be done with the proper instruction and students' desire to discipline themselves to adhere to a consistent practice routine that is in concert with their lifestyles!
In summary, I am reminded of Duke Ellington's classic standard, "It Don't Mean a Thing, If It Ain't Got That Swing!"

To your success,

Ron Worthy